Batman: Detective Comics: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 4

Batman: Detective Comics: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 4

Written by James Tynion IV. Art by Philippe Briones, Allen Passalaqua, Alvaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, Javi Fernandez, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Sebastian Fiumara, Scot Eaton and Wayne Faucher. Cover by Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira.

Material: Tapa dura

Tamaño: 18x28

Páginas: 224

Contenido: What will Batman do in the wake of Batwoman's recent violence? And will that drive a wedge between cousins Bruce Wayne and Kate Kane? Then, in the aftermath of the last stand of the Gotham Knights, Batman, Batwoman, Red Robin, Orphan, Azrael, Batwing and company take down a monster they helped create. How will they deal with the physical and psychological ramifications of this epic battle? And who will hang up their capes?

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